
Oreo Cupcakes

The Oreo cupcake is the final cupcake to go with the other five American flavours inspired cupcakes I am making for my boyfriend's birthday. The Oreo cupcake will go with a Pecan Pie cupcake, a Mississippi Mud Pie cupcake, a Boston Cream Pie cupcake a Smore's cupcake and a Key Lime Pie cupcake. The cupcake is flavoured with crushed Oreos and has half an Oreo at the bottom waiting to surprise whoever eats the cupcake. It is topped with cookies and cream buttercream and a mini Oreo, but you can choose whatever decoration you like to finish the cupcake off.

Oreo Cupcake Recipe
Makes 20

20 Oreos
280 grams plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
335 grams caster sugar
110 grams unsalted butter
3 large egg whites at room temperature
2 tsp vanilla extract
215 ml semi-skimmed milk
150 grams of crushed Oreos

  1. Preheat the oven to 180'C/350'f/Gas mark 4. Line two cupcake tins with 20 cases.
  2. Place half an Oreo, the half with the cream still on it into the cupcake cases, save the other half to smash into crumbs for the cupcake batter.
  3. In a medium bowl sift together the flour, baking powder and salt. Set aside.
  4. Using an electric mixer on a medium speed, or a wooden spoon, combine the butter and sugar together until it is light and fluffy.
  5. Blend in the egg whites one at a time beating well after each addition.
  6. Add the vanilla extract and beat slowly to mix.
  7. Beat in half of the dry ingredients.
  8. Add the milk and beat until just combined, then mix in the remaining dry ingredients.
  9. Crush the left over Oreo halves in a bag with a rolling pin, and pour them into the cupcake batter. Then gently fold them in with a metal spoon until incorporated. Its important to not over mix the batter at this stage.
  10. Place into cases until the are 3/4 full. Bake for 18-20 minutes until springy to the touch or a skewer comes out clean.
  11. Let them cool in the pan for 5 minutes before taking them out and putting them on a cooling rack.

Cookies and Cream Frosting

 (For best results use a hand mixer or free standing mixer. If you have neither of these, you may need to beat the mixture a little longer to achieve a thick consistency for piping.)
110 grams butter
1/4 tsp of salt (if using unsalted butter)
250 grams icing sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
2-3 tbsp whipping cream 
6 crushed Oreos
  1. In a bowl beat the butter until it is smooth, add the salt if you are using it. 
  2. Add half of the icing sugar a quarter at a time, beating after each addition. 
  3. Add vanilla.
  4. Add one tbsp of whipping cream and continue beating. 
  5. Add remaining icing sugar a quarter at a time while beating. Add the Oreos and keep beating. Add cream and beat until you achieve the consistency you want for piping.
  6. Pipe onto the cupcakes however you want to. Add an Oreo as a decoration, or use a mini Oreo like I did.
The finished box of American Flavours cupcakes.

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